Range of medical services

Range of medical services

  1. The ranges of medical services:
    1. diagnostic and treatment of infertility
    2. cycle’s monitoring – USG of ovulation, hormonal tests
    3. hormonal stimulation of cycle
    4. HSG USG – esstimation of patensy via US
    5. insemination
  2. Control of pregnancy’s course
  3. Diagnostic and treatment of gynaecological and endcrynological diseases
  4. USG – pregnancy ( genetic parameters PRISCA, NIFTY, HARMONY), gynaecological, breast, thyroid
  5. BACC of thyroid
  6. Colposcopy and biopsy from cervix of uterus and cunnus
  7. Andrological disease
  8. The treatment of erosions, focal lesions in vagina and cunnus
  9. Excision of polyps and endometrial biopsy
  10. Contraception, HRT
  11. Genetic and inflammatory diagnostic
  12. Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy
  13. Aesthetical medicine in gynaecology


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